Προστατεύστε τα δεδομένα που έχετε στο office 365.
Το Keepit είναι η καλύτερη επιλογή για να προστατεύσετε τα δεδομένα σας σε SaaS services.
Αποκτήστε το καλύτερο Office 365 backup με πλήρη κάλυψη και υψηλή λειτουργικότητα με το Keepit cloud backup & recovery services.
Ανακαλύψτε τα Backup Services που διαθέτει:

Microsoft Office 365.
Το Office 365 Keepit είναι το πιο ανταγωνιστικό και ολοκληρωμένο backup & recovery service στην αγορά. Εξασφαλίζει full business continuity για το Microsoft Office 365.

Microsoft Teams.
Προστάτευσε το μοντέρνο εργαλείο επικοινωνίας της microsoft από κανάλια (με post και απαντήσεις, αρχεία, ημερολόγια, planner, tasks, Wiki, Teams Sites και άλλα.

Το Keepit είναι σχεδιασμένο να προστατεύει τα δεδομένα σας.
Τα εταιρικά δεδομένα σας έχουν μεγάλη αξία για την επιχείρησή σας, για αυτό και σας δίνουμε το πιο ασφαλές, αποτελεσματικό και scalable data protection service.
Keepit for Office 365
Get a quick introduction to Keepit backup and recovery for Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 Backup and Recovery from Keepit protects Groups, Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive and more.
Your Need
Organizations assume that comprehensive backup is included in Microsoft Office 365. This is not the case. Global SaaS vendors like Microsoft do not assume any responsibility for your data, or for how you use their application.
According to Gartner, Microsoft Office 365’s Recycle Bin does not meet the definition of backup. In addition, data retention, which in some cases is legally required, is not possible within Microsoft Office 365.
The Solution
Keepit Backup and Recovery for Microsoft Office 365 gives you full protection of your critical business data across Office apps like Teams, Groups, SharePoint, Exchange, and OneDrive.
Hassle-free protection through fully-automated daily backups and detailed reporting on health.
Simple and fast restores with Keepit’s unique data recovery features allows you to search across time, finding those missing files instantly with versatile restore options.
Keepit’s own unique and tamper-proof storage is your guarantee data stays untouched. To meet your backup strategy, Keepit backs up to dual data centres in different geographical locations.
Unlimited storage and retention are key to Keepit Backup and Recovery for Microsoft Office 365. And you have the option to retain data for as long as needed, allowing you to offload archiving tasks via Keepit.
What is covered?
Exchange Online
Backup and restore Mailboxes, Shared Mailboxes, Folders, Calendars, Contacts, Tasks, and In-place Archives
Backup and recover all files and folders inside your personal OneDrive and protect against that annoying sync-error

Backup and restore everything in SharePoint from Site Collections, Document Libraries, Lists, Views, Permissions, Content Types, Columns, and Sub-sitesGroups. Cover the strong part of Microsoft Office 365, capturing conversations, notebooks and sites.

Protect the modern collaboration tool with everything from channels (including posts and replies), files, planners, tasks, calendars, Wiki, Team Sites, and more.
Public Folders
Keepit also protects the much-used collaborative feature of Microsoft Office 365 including all messages and permissions
Versatile Restore Options
No backup solution is better than its recovery capabilities. It is up to you to choose whether you want to restore single items by sending users a time-limited link, or do an in-place restore right away. Keepit has numerous flexible restore options:
- In-place restore
Most efficient option is the in-place restore for instantly getting lost data back to users. - PST Download
On-demand recovery through PST file download of Exchange and Public Folder contents. - In-Place Archives
In-place archives of your Public Folder content. - Cross-user restore
Easily migrate content from one user’s email folders or OneDrive into another user’s for simple and seamless transitions of projects. - Download
When you need to examine content before performing the restore you can download individual items or complete folders. - Shareable Links
Provide users with instant access to data without potentially overwriting data in-place. Protect links with expirations and passwords. - SharePoint cross-site restore
Use the cross-site restore option to restore a SharePoint site with a new URL, e.g., to test new features or because you have a DevOps process flow.
Lost Data Explorer
Keepit Backup and Recovery is the only solution on the market featuring truly unique access to your data, giving you opportunity to store and manage your data easily. Browse your point-in-time snapshots, covering the retention span you have chosen. Or simply search for specific items and choose to do this across time.
Keepit crunches terabytes of data in an instant, giving you a very low effort supporting your organization in recovering from data loss.
Keepit As a Service
There is no need for servers, software, or operations when choosing Keepit, as everything is included. With direct access to your data from anywhere in the world, you will never have to buy capacity or hire a competent technical team. Everything is included:
Compliance | GDPR | Audit Log | Job Monitor | Validation | Status Monitoring

Είμαστε σε θέση όποια στιγμή χρειαστεί να διασφαλίσουμε την λειτουργικότητα των σχεδίων αντιγράφων ασφάλειας - backup και των πλάνων Disaster Recovery γιατί ανά τακτά διαστήματα εκτελούμε προσομοιώσεις τους, και τις αξιολογούμε.
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